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client: exotic visual labs®
An aesthetically appealing & storytelling-oriented website where consumers engage with the lore of this new entertainment IP.
Felipe Zapata / Daniel Martinez
Feb 2022 - Feb 2023
ux-ui, character design, art dir.
the challenge
Customer research showed that blockchain technology and cryptoassets are still very unfamiliar and intimidating concepts for the average person and NFT business models are considered untrusty and mainly speculative. Major collections have monopolized the market, making prices reach overwhelming levels and leaving digital communities unsatisfied with their products and services while deprived content creators and artists of a technology that otherwise could change the way we produce and consume new IPs.
research & ideation
After a rigurous analysis of the inner dynamics of the main NFT communities and collections, we identify users personas profiled as technology entrepreneurs and entertainment enthusiasts: 16 - 35 years old early adopters with purchasing power seeking to belong and build an unknown but rich fandom around a complex and visually appealing fantasy story based in NFT characters. The website would be the hub where the fandom reunite to get first handed story dropped in several chapters.
building up a visual language
We envision this website as the gateway to the community where behind-the-scenes footage and information about the Grumpy Capy™ universe can be shared. One of the main objective of the website launch was to build a trusting relationship with the fans so this platform could be used as a hub to interact and give them access to exclusive offers, events, and content that they cannot get in the others brand channels (social media).
The website aims to provide a warm and welcoming environment where potential clients can enjoy content and learn more about the Grumpy Capy™ brand and NFT industry at their own pace. Users will browse different aspects of the project’s narrative and learn more about how it works. A big design challenge for this project was finding a way to feature the entire collection (10,000 NFTs) engagingly while maintaining a clear and consistent visual identity for the brand. We opted for a site design that focuses more on visual storytelling and incorporates animated sequences that allow the user to explore each character’s unique personality in a dedicated and filtered gallery. Besides the challenge of the website design, the art of the collection, the characters, the story , and the brand ID (from pallets to typography) were built up from zero, allowing us to create a cohesive and tailored visual universe from scratch.
the art of grumpy capy
Mid-fidelity mobile prototypes.
Hi-fidelity desktop prototypes.
hover on
hover on
hover on
the outcome
The users surveys showed that the designed UI improve the engagement making it easier to understand the process of buying NFTs while enjoying the narrative of the collection. Some UX insight was also found through the use of our prototype in the process, which helped us understand more about the difficulties and complexities of the challenge that was given to us, such as the importance of building an interactive gallery where the user could interact with the artwork, understand the value of each piece based on its attributes and connect the wallet with OpenSea. The final results of this case study will be available once the smart contracts are finished and the website running.
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