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T H E   D A N G E R    O F    B E I N G    W H I T E

The danger of being white is a never-realized and an always ongoing project. Here, instead of the artworks that originally formed the series, I decided to publish a manifesto-like that I wrote in three segments that condense all the ideas around this project. The danger of being white is a metaphor that is always in my head and a series that I am always borrowing of to produce and think other pieces. This project establishe...



This booklet is an outcome from the “Future vocabularies” workgroup at the workshop taught by We Are Here association and BAK (Utrecht and Amsterdam, 5th – 9th April 2016), considering the question of representation within art and politics with regards to refugees’ struggle. The series considers the need for a new lexicon to sustain an actualized understanding engaging in developing a new collective dictionary. Here we contributed in creating a space and opening doors for a sincere and honest discussion about the complex relation between refugees ...


T H E   C R A F T S M A N S :   
S O C I A L   E T H I C S   O F   R E S I S T A N C E 

This text collect all the thoughts, images, processes and questions that took place between 2015 and 2016 and that became the core of the MFA thesis at HKU -  Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht (Netherlands). Here, the craftmansan and the intellectual face each other conceptually as a part of a narrative that contextualize a series of artworks concived and produced in this period of time. 


T H E   P L A C E   O F   T H E   B L U R:   
J E F F   W A L L ,   M A S S   M E D I A   A N D  F I N E   A R T S

This essay, wrote in 2012 as an assignment for a photography theory subject, explore amateurism and professionalism notions and the role of the image in mass medias as its role in fine arts, all of it, trough Jeff Wall´s work and different related texts and authors. Even when it was of the first essays that i wrote and many of the arguments that appear in the text are not present in my work anymore (specially the way how I understood amateurism back then), I decided to publish it because the relationship ...

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